Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29, 2023: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

Jesus Christ founded the Church, and entrusted its leadership at the start to important figures including Saints Peter and Paul.

Each played a role in building a foundation by proclaiming the reality of the living, Risen Christ--and each encountered Him in unique ways.

No matter what obstacles they faced, they had a solid grounding in their faith in Christ.

They now are regarded as pillars of our Church, and give us an example for what it means to be grounded in faith so that we can build up the church and proclaim the reality of our faith in the Risen Christ to all the world.

At Ascension Church in Oak Park is St. Peter, above, and, below, St. Paul.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25, 2023: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Being a disciple means proclaiming the message of Truth, even when resisted by those who oppose the Truth.

Jeremiah faced this reality as a prophet, yet trusted in God to stand by Him.

Jesus consoles His disciples not to be afraid of those who kill the body but can't touch the soul, because God cares for them.  So they are called to be bold in proclaiming the message about the reality of God.

St. Paul lived out what it means to be a disciple, proclaiming the message God gave Him even when facing those hostile to it. He was truly rooted in the message of the God who reversed the curse of sin that brought death from the time of Adam by sending His Son to save us and bring us life by an abundant, overflowing gift.

Now, if we deny God, we'll be eternally separated from Him and suffer grave consequences to body and soul.  Yet if we are true to Him and proclaiming His Word, He promises to preserve us for Eternal Life.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24, 2023: Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The birth of St. John the Baptist caused a stir, and so did his parents' choice of his name.

Clearly, he was someone special.  He was born with a purpose, to prepare a people to be joyfully ready for the coming of the Greater One.

No wonder St. John was acclaimed as greater than all born of women.

May we joyfully acknowledge that each of us is created for a purpose in life, to declare that God is among us, so that all the world may welcome Him and rejoice.

Thinking back 1 year ago when the Dobbs vs. Jackson decision was issued, this past year has brought an opportunity to take up the work of promoting a cultural where all children are welcomed and cared for, because each comes into this world loved by God and created by Him for a purpose.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18, 2023: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It may be Ordinary Time, yet we hear extraordinary stories about God's choosing of people as His own, for His purposes.

God chose the Hebrews as His special people, to be a people of priests to make His presence known to all the world.

Jesus, seeing the great needs of the people, took action to respond.  And He chose 12 disciples and gave them authority to participate in His work, even during His ministry, as much as He did following His Ascension.

Just after the great Heart feasts, we rejoice that God had such great love for us that Christ died for us sinners who were unworthy. He reconciled us by His death and new life so that we may live with new and abundant purpose.

And the authority He gave to the Apostles has been handed down so that we fulfill the mission of Christ grounded in the sure Apostolic faith.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17, 2023: Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary, as the Mother of Jesus, had such a close relationship, especially when she bore Him in her womb.  Her heart beat to bring life into Jesus as His tiny heart beat.

She exemplifies for us what it means to love the Son of God in a deep, intimate way.

She was fully aware of God's love and then shared it.

We, too, are called to respond to the love God has shown us by bearing into all the world, sharing it in a way that blesses those around us.

As we reflect on the Paschal Mystery that has been our focus since Ash Wednesday, may we be inspired by the love of God through Christ and put it into action.

Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16, 2023: Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

God loved us into creation, and sought us when we went astray into sin.  He chose a special people for Himself.  In the fullness of time, He revealed the complete depth of His love for us in Christ, Who died on the cross for us to free us from sin and bring us into Eternal Life.

We can count on God because of the Love He showed us in Christ, Who is meek and humble of heart.  He gives us rest for our souls in a world plagued by trouble because He has already met our greatest need, our salvation.  He brought us salvation through the Paschal Mystery, which we focused on for the past three months.  Now we're almost at the end of the feasts whose dates are determined by the date of Easter Sunday.  The mystery of salvation is capped off by a celebration of God's immense love for us.

One year ago on this Feast, the Dobbs vs. Jackson decision was issued.  God truly poured out His love our land by restoring us back to the right way of upholding the dignity of life through this critically important development.

Indeed, the love God pours out for us is so abundant, flowing over and around us, sustaining us to live with purpose as Who He has called us to be, His beloved, sharing that Love with others.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

June 11, 2023: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

On this Little Easter, we have so much to celebrate, with today's Solemnity lauding the great gift of bread that has come from Heaven.

Jesus came to us as fully God and fully man in the incarnation.

And He Who was once dead is now alive forever and ever:  He continues to be closely present to us in the offering of His Most Holy Body and Blood, by which we enter Eternal Life now.

We can count on Him to provide for us.  He Who is the Bread of Life demonstrates to us what truly satisfies the deepest longings of our souls.

Furthermore, we are bound together as One in His Body because we share in the same bread and cup.  We are commissioned to be what we have consumed, to continue making Christ's Living Presence real in the world.

I think about occasions I've been celebrating recently, like my anniversaries of graduation from Julian Middle School and Valparaiso University.  Yesterday, I extended my celebration by visiting Father Kevin, attending Mass at his parish.  God has truly shown His goodness to me through so many, and has inspired me to be part of Church community to show His goodness to others.

In this goodness, we are truly alive!

Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4, 2023: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

While the Trinity is a mystery, and thereby is something we can't completely understand, we can recognize its effects all around us.

We acknowledge that God is merciful towards us sinners and forgives.  Furthermore, He has saved us and called us to live a holy life.  He has enabled us through the Holy Spirit poured out from the Paschal Mystery to extend forgiveness and peace to others, binding ourselves closely as one people, one church chosen by God.

I participated in a wonderful celebration of the annual Lumen Cordium Mass celebrated by Cardinal Cupich.  In this context, we celebrated how we all do our part to edify the Church as we seek to live like God in the way that God enables us by giving us a share in His Divine Life, in His Love by which we know He is real and make Him known to the world.