The Hebrews journeyed through the desert, which was a call for them to wait upon God to provide for them. They weren't so faithful.
Jesus, the Word of God, withstood temptation because He spoke the Word that is Truth and Life, showing us an example of how to be faithful.
In this Lenten journey, we strive to be faithful to God, with Jesus as our example, as we abide by and internalize the Word of God, knowing that God's brings us Abundant Life to us in Christ. We call upon Him, professing our faith and belief in the One Who, by the Paschal Mystery, has brought us to life.
I answered the call to live out belief during a week of service at St. Augustine Mission, a trip which concluded 12 years ago with my arrival home. I continued to put faith into action a year later as I met with the Confirmation group as they continued to prepare for the sacrament.
In these experiences, I pondered deeply what it means to have a relationship with God and how I could be transformed to live it more fully as a profession of faith I have in God.