Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015: 1st Sunday of Advent

Advent is a time for us to behold the mystery of Christ, Who came, is present now, and is coming again.

As Jeremiah writes, He is coming again to establish justice and righteousness.

As Jesus says, He is coming again in terrifying fashion to judge.  He urges His disciples, and us, to be ready for that day, so that we can stand ready to receive Him, living righteously and not so focused on the cares of the world.  We do so by living in love toward one another, in good conduct shown to us by Christ, making Him present now.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22, 2015: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Sunday

Jesus, indeed, is a King, as He tells Pilate in response to his questioning.  But it's very clear Jesus is a different kind of king.  His Kingship is not about wielding earthly power and authority.  Rather, it is based on fulfilling God's purpose, testifying to the Truth, and dying to save His people, that they might listen to the voice of Truth.

When we so listen, we realize that Jesus is a mightier King than any earthly king ever could be.  He comes with such power and force, holding the whole universe in His hands, having been granted such power and authority because He obediently fulfilled God's purpose.  And for those of us in His Kingdom, it's all about following His example of obedience.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 15, 2015: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our focus is shifting eschatologically toward the end of Time as we approach the end of the liturgical year, as evident in the readings.

Jesus tells His disciples to be aware of the signs that the Reign of God is coming to its fulfillment.  Christ will return, and all souls will be judged--imagery also used in the reading from Daniel.

For some of us, we'll experience the horrors of the second death.  Others of us will be lifted from the graves to abide with God forever in a perfect, pure relationship with Him, who has offered the sacrifice that has freed us from sin and forgiven us fully, that we may attain the great inheritance of salvation.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8, 2015: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God seeks to help those in need, like the widows in the First Reading and Gospel story.  And He works powerfully in their situations, summoning forth a wealth of faith.

He calls us to help them, so that we can be present to the power of faith that arises in these situations.  It is a faith that places trust in God no matter what, because God has sent Jesus to be our faithful High Priest to sacrifice Himself once for all to save us fully--we who were once sinners in great destitution.  And so we offer Him a sacrifice of willingness to live Life in His way, and show others His power to provide for us, most especially by the gift of salvation.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015: All Saints' Day

This occasion is one of my favorites, a great day when we celebrate the saints:  They include the holy men and women who walked by faith before us and now are in the presence of God and His glory.  They also include us, God's Chosen People striving unto Him, encouraged by the example of the saints who have gone before us.  And what amazing stories they have for us.

We strive in the way as we abide by what Jesus taught us, seeking to humbly depend on God, so that we are delivered from evil and shine in purity before Him in this life.  And living in these righteous ways gives us hope of one day shining in His glorious presence together with all of His Chosen People, whom He has delivered.