Sunday, July 30, 2017

July 30, 2017: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The greatest treasure we can encounter is having a relationship with God, which brings a foretaste of Eternity now even as we await its fullness.  Indeed, we are part of the great plan of God, for He chose us before time: He foreknew, predestined, called, justified, and glorified us, as St. Paul writes.

In the example of King Solomon, let us not seek after temporal riches of this world, but seek the wisdom of God that we may have a heart that discerns how faith is the treasure of greatest value, and embrace it with all we have and all we are.  Let us abide by the very words of God that bring us Life now and always.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 2017: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We struggle in this world because of the presence of evil, which touches our hearts and is all around, much as Satan sowed weeds in the midst of the wheat.  Yet we have the great assurance that God is working in our favor, making His goodness known to us, even giving us the chance to repent of our sins and live righteously for Him.  So we continue the struggle, as the Holy Spirit within us intercedes for us with great groaning as we seek for our faith in us lowly ones to become mighty because our God is Mighty, and comes to our aid.  He furthermore encourages us to show kindness in the midst of a broken world, becoming a great influence, as we shine for our God, awaiting the fullness of His Kingdom one day, when evil will be vanquished, and righteousness shall reign.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 16, 2017: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God's Word marvelously comes down to Earth to mightily accomplish His will, just as the rain comes to water the Earth and produce an abundance of crops.

Indeed, God's Word produces abundantly, as it is sown in our hearts.  When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit's working in us, we truly become part of the abundant harvest that results, as we open ourselves to God's workings in us, having hearts fertile for such a bounty.  The results even lead to our planting seeds that the abundant harvest may continue--Father Hurlbert shared a great insight in his homily on this weekend's readings, saying that it's not just about laborers going out to harvest, but laborers also going out to plant seeds.

We plant as a response to the work God does in us, and then remain faithful to Him as we watch Him do His work with those seeds.  He brings them alive, in the Life that will one day lead to the fullness of redemption and Eternal Life, which we, His people, together with all Creation, earnestly strive toward and patiently await.

Monday, July 10, 2017

July 9, 2017: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God came to our world humbly and bearing the great gift of salvation for us.  And His reign of peace extends vastly as we come to trust in Him.  As His disciples, we are called to be child-like and embrace a sense of simplicity in our lives so that we focus on living for Him, so that we can embrace the great mysteries of God that He reveals to the humble and meek those who are in relationship with Him.  Because we are saved, we praise Him as we live in the assurance of attaining Heavenly Rest one day.  And we experience it even now as we follow His ways, dying to sin, and rising to New Life in the Spirit, Who is His presence ever with us.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 2, 2017: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

That is the final sentence of the Declaration of Independence, and I see a connection between it and the message strung throughout the readings of this Sunday.

Jesus has set us free from sin and brought us to new Life in which we live for Him, living in His ways of righteousness.  He calls us to commit ourselves to obediently abiding in Him in that new way of life, to make Him the priority of all our relationships and all our actions.  Like Father Hurlbert said so insightfully in his homily at Ascension Parish, we do deeds of righteousness not as an option or as something nice to do, but as something essential to growing in holiness in relationship with Him that leads us to the fullness of His presence in Heaven.  By this growth, we make His presence known, and spread His blessings as others come to acknowledge Him, seeing Him present in us.