Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30, 2018: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God issues a universal call for people to follow Him, pouring forth His graces through His Spirit abundantly.  We strive toward Him in a great company of people.  We are not to stop others for doing good works in His Name, but open ourselves up to the various ways God is at work.  And we open our hearts so He can fully work in us as we leave behind wrongful desires to accumulate wealth that can lead us astray, and instead abound in virtue that allows us to live fully in righteousness.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 23, 2018: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we mature in our relationship with Christ, we realize how much we depend on God, because of forces within and without that seek to distract us from following in God's ways.

So let us commit ourselves to abiding in God's ways, because having a relationship with Him gives us the assurance we need to stand against those who oppose us because we abide with God.  He is the One Who upholds us, as the Psalmist says.

And we can live peaceably with others as this relationship bears fruit so that we focus not on ourselves but on humbly serving others.  That's why St. James calls us to embrace the wisdom that is from above, so we don't end up in conflict, but experience righteousness in ourselves and with one another that is exhibited when we embrace this wisdom.

And that's why we need child-like humility, so we can be open to embracing this relationship and the effects it is meant to have in us, so we can be assured of God's goodness no matter what.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16, 2018: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Coming just two days after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we are reminded in this day's liturgy once again of the role of the Cross:  It was through His suffering that Jesus fulfilled God's purposes in winning for us so great a salvation.

He shows us that our sufferings can be redeemed, as we look to God to accomplish His purposes in them.

This is true faith, which is demonstrated by action:  Indeed, James says it is not enough to have faith--we must have faith that is demonstrated through works, seeing the needs of the world, just as our faith helps us see Jesus for Who He is.

This attitude is certainly something that informed the mind of St. Cornelius as he dealt with addressing Christians who apostatized in the face of persecution.

It's an attitude we as catechists embrace in our working of teaching the faith and handing it on to others, a role for which we are recognized on Catechetical Sunday this weekend.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God wants to do wondrous things in our world, to bring a healing touch that will deliver us from evil, and bring us healing and wholeness, not only in body, but also in spirit.  For example, not only does he want us to see physically, but to have eyes of faith open to His presence.

He most especially wants us to be open to the ways in which He is present in the poor and lowly, so that we take Christ-like action to serve their needs.  He want us to be aware of their needs and respond appropriately.

Indeed, God calls us to be open, because His Living, real presence is at work to make us anew.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

September 2, 2018: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has given us the great gift of His Law, to make us a Holy People.  But in following the rules, we must not lose sight of the purpose behind the rules, that we should live in a way that brings out inner purity and leads to meaningful relationships with Christ-like love toward others.

True religion must be acted out in caring for others, just as God has done for us, showing lovingkindness from the heart that builds upon the rules.  This is how we live in right relationship with others, and ultimately, God