Sunday, October 28, 2018

October 28, 2018: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God came with the great news that He has the power to heal us as the faith He grants us works in us.

Bartimaeus showed great faith when Jesus passed by and he called out to Him.  Jesus acknowledged that faith as the means of His salvation, which brought him sight.  And it was that same faith that urged Him on to follow Jesus in a new way of life.  He threw aside his cloak, which represented much of everything he had, to embrace the God Who loves all of us so much, and to fixate His life on a relationship with Him.

So while we were once dead in sins, we have been brought alive so gloriously through the great work of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, Who restores us fully.  It is by faith that we embrace a relationship with, recognizing that being in His life-giving presence is enough for us.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 21, 2018: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

James and John request that Jesus grant them privileged positions in glory.  But Jesus set the record straight with them, and then the rest of the disciples, indicating that it's not so much about glory as it is about accomplishing God's purposes.  Jesus sets an example as One Who gives His Life in service to others, by which He effects so great and glorious a salvation for us, as stated so powerfully in the final sentence in the Gospel reading.

And in following this way, we give ourselves in service to others, because in Christ, that is now our purpose.

It was notable that Confirmation Masses were held this weekend at Ascension on the Feast of St. Paul of the Cross, who was devoted to the Passion of Christ.  The Confirmation candidates were called upon to live out their faith in the power of the Holy Spirit that comes as a result of the Paschal Mystery, in which Christ sets us an example for giving of ourselves, which we do as we live out faith.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14, 2018: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Word of God truly pierces into us, revealing what's in our hearts, and what we prioritize, just as Jesus does when talking with the rich man.  Indeed, He presents great demands for being a disciple.  It's not enough to follow the Law, but to have a heart that's willing to give everything for His sake.  Yet in doing so, we recognize what is most valuable.

When we turn our focus away from earthly goods, we can embrace the great gifts that come from above, especially the wisdom that outlasts everything and allows us be in right relationship with God.  Once we have that secure, everything else falls into place, and we truly have peace no matter what kinds of difficulties we face, and no matter how short life is, because we will have lived it righteously.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

October 7, 2018: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God wants to bring wholeness to our relationships, as we see in the scene from Genesis 2:  God creates a special companion for Adam, a woman.

That is the wholeness God still desires for us, because He brought man and woman to be together in a special relationship in marriage, that we may share it with others, especially children we raise up.  In these relationships, we continue to abound in the love God desires for us to experience, and fulfill His purposes, as we live out the relationship with Him, the closeness that makes us His brothers.  His sufferings redeemed everything about our lives, so that we can live holy for Him, especially in our relationships, so they lead us to Heaven.