Sunday, December 29, 2019

December 29, 2019: Feast of the Holy Family

We have the wonderful opportunity to spend multiple days unpacking the mystery of the Word Made Flesh.  God, through Jesus Christ, has entered into our world and our lives in all manner of ways so that we can enter deeply into a relationship with God.

Then He shows us how we make much of that relationship with the others in our lives, especially the family, which is the domestic version of Church.  That is why He was born in a family.

His presence with us calls us to live out virtues by which we show care for one another, bringing to fruition that love which sustains us in all circumstances, and enables us to do so when He is born in our hearts.

Even in the difficult circumstances of fleeing King Herod, Joseph and Mary had firm grounding by following God's directives and trusting Him.

So in our difficulties, we have assurance in entrusting ourselves to the One Who has come to us in the flesh and accompanies us always.  His example in the Holy Family helps us see how we can live out our call to holiness by abounding in the glorious exchange of love with those in our families who are so close to us in first showing us love and bringing us into the family.  The continual nurturing of love in our families truly makes present the Word Who became Flesh, and it is that love, keeping us close to God, that sustains us.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

December 25, 2019: Feast of the Nativity of the Lord/Christmas

There is truly great reason to rejoice on this Feast.  We celebrate that the invisible God has become visible to us in Jesus Christ.

God greatly desires to be so close to us, even to the point of becoming human.

We now have come so close to the glory of God.

So let us rejoice as we give glory to God, making known our joy throughout the world, embracing that God is truly here with us, and knowing true peace.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 22, 2019: 4th Sunday of Advent

God wants us to be sure of His presence in our world, which is why He sends us signs.

Indeed, the signs of His presence fill the world, as they have from when He created the Heavens and the Earth.  Ever since humans fell out of right relationship with God, He has used signs to draw us back to Him, as He actively desires to be in relationship with us.

In keeping with what Advent is about, let us awaken and be alert to the signs He sends us.  Aware of how He is present to us, we then are spurred on to embrace the call to holiness in our lives, trusting in His presence that always accompanies us.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019: 3rd Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

As we await the celebration of Christ's Birth at Christmas, and His 2nd coming at the end of time, we already have much reason to rejoice.

God is at work in our world, restoring what is broken, and bringing alive what is dead, as is described in Isaiah, and as Jesus describes in the Gospel reading when He responds to the inquiry of St. John the Baptist.

Let us open our eyes to see God at work, and await patiently as He brings His work to its fullness.

Indeed, when we keep ourselves aware of what He's doing, we are truly filled with joy.

I am furthermore filled with joy as I think about how this blog has provided the opportunity for me to reflect on what God speaks through Scripture, as it did back to Gaudete Sunday 6 years ago, all the way to today.

I took this photo of the rose candle on the Advent wreath at Ascension Parish.  Isn't she a beauty to behold?

Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 12, 2019: Feast of La Virgen de Guadalupe

Mary was on the move in the Gospel reading from Luke, to visit her relative Elizabeth, and what a moment of joy they shared.

We rejoice on this day when Mary went on the move to the Western Hemisphere, and appeared to an indigenous man, San Juan Diego.

Her appearance advanced the Gospel of salvation among the Mexicans, and even furthermore among the Americas.

We behold our God Who comes to us, that all the world may be saved, and kept under His care, as He leads us to everlasting life.

What joy we have in encountering Him even now.

Monday, December 9, 2019

December 9, 2019: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

When humanity turned from God, He set out to save us.

From before the foundation of the world, He chose Mary to be the pure vessel by which He would bring His Son into the world.  And so He has chosen those being saved from before the foundation of the world, cleansing us so that we might live for His praise.

Her act of obedience, her "Yes" to God, made possible the salvation of the world by reversing the curse of sin.  In our obedience to God, we participate in the victory God has won for us in Christ, born of Mary.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 8, 2019: 2nd Sunday of Advent

The coming of God into our world changes the world:

The vision presented in the first reading from Isaiah speaks about an immense peace, in which even creatures who are naturally against each other instead abide in harmony.  This peace is established by the rule of the One upon Whom God has put His Spirit.

We long for this peace by which we acknowledge the very presence of God in our world.

And His presence draws all people to Him.  Even the Chosen One of Israel was sent to be a blessing for all people.

Because God is coming into our world, it's time for our lives to change, repenting and producing the fruit of repentance, as John the Baptist calls for while preparing the way for the One mightier than him.  This mightier One baptizes with fire that changes lives to live following God's way, which truly changes the world.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

December 1, 2019: 1st Sunday of Advent

St. Paul says it well in the selection from his epistle to the Romans in the 2nd reading, "our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."

Jesus speaks with a similar sense of urgency, adding that we don't know when the Son of Man will return.

These are statements that urge us to wake up and become alert to what's happening, and to make ourselves ready to welcome the Lord into our world and into our lives.  St. Paul tells us to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ".

Isaiah speaks of a vision of the nations streaming to the mountain of God, where they will receive His instruction.

As we start once again a new year embarking on this Advent journey, let us strive toward God, letting Him direct our lives according to what matters, keeping the perspective of Eternity in mind, so we are ready to embrace the celebration of His birth later this month, to be ready for His return at the End of Time, and to welcome Him into our hearts even now, alert to how He is present among us.