Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 29, 2020: First Sunday of Advent

The theme of Christ's 2nd coming carries over from the previous weeks as we enter into Advent.

Christ urges His listeners to be on watch and alert for His coming.

This command to watch for Him, calls us to repentance, to order our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him as we do His works.

Furthermore, we live knowing that, as St. Paul so eloquently writes, God has equipped us with all we need to stand firm until the end, when we see the full revelation of Jesus Christ.

We also make ourselves fully aware of how He is present to us even now.  He is shining a light into our darkness that gives us great hope, which is a light that we shine in the darkness.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 22, 2020: Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

The image of a king evokes one who is mighty and powerful.  That idea is certainly the case with Jesus Christ, the King of all the universe.

Christ demonstrates His Kingship by identifying Himself with the poor and lowly, seeking to meet their needs, shepherding them to fulfillment in this life by leading them into the ways of Eternal Life.

And He has rightly earned His Kingship by dying for us sinners, who were in need of salvation, and having risen victoriously.

Now He rules our hearts. Those of us who are saved and are named by this King are called to participate in advancing the Kingdom by caring for those in need, following in the way of our Good Shepherd that we may demonstrate the faith we have in our King.

November 21, 2020: Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Like the reading in Zechariah, we rejoice that our God comes to dwell with us.

Let us follow the example of Mary, and be filled with a desire for God above all, for He is the One Who gives us true purpose in life.

May we draw close to God, growing in relationship with Him Who does marvelous things in our lives, and strive to live each day in a way by which we grow closer with Him Who has come to abide with us, through the Son born of Mary, the temple who bore God's very real presence into the world in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15, 2020: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

While we wait for the Lord's coming again, we can keep occupied with the work God gives us, answering the called to bear fruit for the Kingdom in accordance with the ways God has equipped us.

We are called to show that we are children of Light by shining light into the world, even to the point of taking risks.

What really counts is how we show fear of the Lord and put faith into action, doing what pleases God, that we may experience eternal joy.

Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9, 2020: Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica

We celebrate the dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran today, the cathedral church of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome.

And we also celebrate the greater reality that is beyond the walls of that church, or any church:  God has chosen us as His people to be, as St. Paul writes, "His building" or "His body".

We make Him known to the world as we embody His presence, even as each of us are temples that God desires to purify so that His glory may shine out to the world through us as we live holy lives.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 8, 2020: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

As we draw closer to the conclusion of the liturgical year, the readings help us reflect more on the End Times. We the church, the bride, await the coming of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom.

We can be certain of His coming, but since we don't know when, we are called to live in a state of readiness.  We are called to uphold our faith for the long haul, to tap into those reserves of extra oil that the 5 wise virgins brought with them.

We do so, knowing that God has equipped us with the gift of wisdom, so that we can make right choices in putting our faith into action, to demonstrate our earnest desire to be close to God Who has come so close to us.  Furthermore, we take comfort in the ultimate goal we seek of being with God forever, as we face the challenges and uncertainties of this time when we wait.  Setting such a goal before us, and being formed by wisdom, we live with purpose now.

Monday, November 2, 2020

November 2, 2020: All Souls' Day

Christ died and rose again, laying the path for us to Eternal Life.

Let us strive to follow that way, living in the reality that gives us hope.

Let us live by faith on the way to Heaven, and experience Heaven now in the assurance that God cares for the faithful souls.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

November 1, 2020: Feast of All Saints

We have countless examples of saints who walked the walk of faith, striving to live the fullness of life in God, unto eternity.

And looking unto them, we realize that we have the same opportunity to reach God's presence in Heaven, while living the abundant Life now that God grants us.

He has lavished great love on us, so that we may be called His children.  He furthermore calls us to holiness, living in a way that we draw attention not to ourselves, but to God Who is working in us, and to Whose image we strive to be conformed.  Ultimately, the Beatitudes provide a blueprint for how we can experience Heaven in its fullness one day, but Heaven even now as well.

So as we look unto the saints of ages past who are now in Heaven, we are called to be saints, too, and God equips us for sainthood in our own lives.  Indeed, God desires to purify us so that we reflect not the ways of the world, but the very face of our God in this world in these times and circumstances.