Sunday, August 27, 2023

August 27, 2023: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the spirit of the stewards of the Old Testament, when God granted authority to a servant, God, through Jesus, offered authority to St. Peter, after granting Him a special revelation.

While God's ways are sometimes hard to understand, we give thanks that He has given us special revelations that show how close He is to us.

St. Peter was granted a special role as the rock on which the Church was built, and leadership as the first Pope, yet God grants all of us a special place in His Kingdom to advance His mission.

We are called to declare the reality of Who Jesus Christ is and make that known to the world, to bring the transformation God has brought to us.

I attended Mass at St. Teresa's for the first time on the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, and it was an opportunity for me to affirm Who Christ is in my life, and to live out that profession.

The world has many ideas about Christ, yet through revelations, we can ground ourselves on the rock of faith in Who Christ truly is.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

August 20, 2023: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Even in the days of the Old Testament Covenant, God had in mind that His Kingdom would be open to all people of the whole world.

Going beyond the external prescriptions of the Law, God is pleased by those whose hearts are faithful to Him.

And so He has promised that the benefits of the covenant will go to His people, the Hebrews, and to the Gentiles. As St. Paul makes clear, these promises are irrevocable, as He bestows His mercy on all.

The Gospel story has a great example of how this applies to one particular person.  While Jesus at first appeared to ignore the Canaanite woman pleading for His help, in her persistence, she revealed great faith, the kind of faith present throughout all the Gentile people.  I personally like this story because the woman offers a great comeback line to Jesus's remark about the dogs.  She demonstrated great faith by recognizing how the blessings of the covenant would extend to all people beyond Israel.

I am grateful for those who have been part of my life along the journey, drawing faith out of me. Around this time of August, I think about the impact of the St. Teresa's church community when I was in college as they reached out to welcome students from a variety of backgrounds, and build a community in the power of faith.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

August 15, 2023: Solemnity of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

God chose Mary to have a special role in salvation history, bearing His Son into the world.

Despite the uncertainties of becoming the Mother of God, Elizabeth declared her blessed, and Mary responded by magnifying the Lord.

Through the Son, we have life through His Resurrection.  He is the firstfruits of those who rise from the dead.

This promise applies to all disciples of Jesus Christ, including Mary, the first disciple.

God has indeed conquered death, and He does it through the living reality of the Resurrection in us.

30 years ago today was a glorious day in the Denver Metro Area when Pope St. John Paul II celebrated the World Youth Day 1993 Closing Mass at Cherry Creek State Park.  WYD certainly breathed new life and faith into those gathered.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

August 13, 2023: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the storms of life, in whatever form they come, swirl furiously around us, we can take comfort in the reality of our God Who is truly with us.

He sent to us a Savior, in accordance with the promises to His Chosen People, to free us from sin.

It is a contrast to Old Testament understandings, when people thought God came in fury, like when Elijah sees a great wind, a fire, and and earthquake, yet God wasn't present in any of them.  When he hears the soft sound, he hides his face as he enters into God's presence.

Now, God has come to us so closely to us in Jesus Christ, Who desires for us to draw close to Him, and to keep ourselves fixed on Him.

When life gets tempestuous, let us still ourselves to the quiet presence of God coming so close us, and surely that's what beckoned St. Peter to get out of the boat to go toward Jesus on the water.

I am reminded that yesterday, August 12, was the birthday of Blessed Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, and today, August 13, is his feast day.  He is a great model of bringing Christ close to people by meeting their needs in their difficult circumstances.

While there is so much to distract us when life gets challenging, let's keep focused on God Who comes to us in Christ to be our aid, and always remember that we can count on Him and to be not afraid.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6, 2023: Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

How glorious that this Feast is on a Sunday and we can celebrate it with greater emphasis.

Throughout time, God has constantly manifested Himself in glorious visions.

He revealed Himself as a Great King in Daniel.

And then, God Himself came to us in the flesh in Jesus Christ, Who revealed a glimpse of His full glory on the Mount to Sts. Peter, James, and John in His Transfiguration.

While there was an urge to bottle up the vision and let it persist, God then manifested Himself in a cloud, and spoke, making it clear they should go forth and continue listening to the Son, in recognition of His inherent majesty.

In the Espistle of 2 Peter years later, St. Peter writes that they were eyewitnesses of His Majesty, and that is the foundation for holding strong in faith.

How wonderful that this Feast concludes the 2023 World Youth Day event in Lisbon.  Participants have pondered what it means to go in haste to encounter God, Who reveals Himself in great majesty.  

We have this mountaintop experience speaking to the Transfiguration every time we attend Mass and encounter God's very real and living Presence.  And just like with the Transfiguration, we are called to go forth and live out in the valleys and plains of our lives what we have gained from these encounters.

Like Bishop Barron marvelously said in his homily for this liturgy, we are called to love God, be loved by Him, and then, grounded in this reality, live as a soldier in His army, striving nobly in faith, because it is leading us to glory, and giving us a glorious purpose along the way.