Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 31, 2023: Feast of the Holy Family

Christmas is a celebration of God's entry into humanity, which means He entered into a family.

God has revealed Himself in important ways in our families, going all the way back to Abraham, the focus of the first and second readings.  God promised Abraham and Sarah would have a child, even when the odds were so unlikely, and so He demonstrated His power when Isaac was born.

Jesus Christ was born of Mary, and then raised by Mary and Joseph.  Indeed, just as with the Holy Family, God reveals Himself in the life and love we share with our families, as we grow together in virtues, opening ourselves to God's grace, as we strive to exhibit God's holiness.

As we reach the end of 2023, we're reminded of how our lives are touched by God's grace day by day, especially with those with whom we are closest.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

December 27, 2023: Feast of St. John, Apostle/Evangelist

God has made a great revelation in Jesus Christ, for by the Incarnation, God became flesh.

And after He died on the Cross, Jesus Christ rose to new life, raising our humanity to a new state.

Now we are called to see the signs by which God has revealed Himself, to believe, and to truly live in God's love.

Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25, 2023: Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord/Christmas Day

God revealed Himself in many ways through prophets and other revelations throughout the centuries.

Now, He has revealed Himself fully in His Son.

He has come so close to us, which means so much for us.

We can now share in His divinity because He has come to share in our humanity.

We are filled with light, love, joy, peace, and life.

We are no longer afraid, for we rejoice that God has come to us, and abides with us always.

800 years ago, the world was introduced to a new way to behold the scene of the Incarnation with the first Nativity scene that St. Francis created in Greccio, Italy.

Indeed, we continue to behold the mystery that God revealed in the Incarnation in a baby born to Mary, who continues to be Good News for us.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

December 24, 2023: Fourth Sunday of Advent

Throughout this Advent Season, we ponder God's promises to His people as we await His coming, both the celebration of His first coming and then His second coming, as God reveals a great mystery through prophets and then fully in the Son, to bring us to faith.

It is a marvel to consider the first reading, in which God says to David that He will make him into a house, with a descendant Who will reign forever.  We see that promises fulfilled in Mary, when the angel Gabriel announced that she would bear the Son of the Most High, ruling on the throne of His father David, over a Kingdom that would last forever.

By consenting to God's plan, she became a house for God.  And so we can be dwellings for God, as He fulfills His promises through us to be present in the world.  He chose us through His grace so all may know how much God loves us.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 17, 2023: Third Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

We rejoice because we're more than halfway through Advent. Furthermore, we rejoice that God is coming.

He is our God Who entered into the troubles of humanity to bring us joy by His presence that is deeper than anything in this world.

Jesus Christ our Savior has truly set us free, as the servant upon whom the Spirit of God descended that He would proclaim a year of God's favor.

God is truly with us in such a close way like never before, and so we always have reason to rejoice.

And we rejoice in the mission we have to point others to Him. St. John the Baptist fully acknowledged that he wasn't the One the people were anticipating.  He knew full well that His work was to point others to Him.

We find true meaning in life when we realize it's not about us, but giving glory to the One Who comes to dwell with us and brings Light and Joy to our lives.

We give thanks for the ways Pope Francis has helped share light and joy in his role as Pope as we celebrate his birthday today.

Once again, I rejoice in marking another anniversary for this blog, which I started 10 years ago on Gaudete Sunday, desiring to joyfully share my reflections on the readings at Mass.  It was after attending Vespers at Holy Name Cathedral, which I did again today, before Mass there, as part of my annual pilgrimage trip there.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

God gave a great sign, like in the spirit of the Revelation reading, to the world on December 12, 1531, revealing His Light and His Love for all people in La Virgen de Guadalupe's apparitions to San Juan Diego.

Like St. Elizabeth, and St. John the Baptist, let us rejoice at God's coming to be with us in Jesus Christ through Mary.

And may we proclaim the message of the Good News boldly that God renews and transforms our lives.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

December 10, 2023: Second Sunday of Advent

In Isaiah, God promises to come to His people and comfort them.

His coming will straighten everything, with flowery language that describes mountains and hills made low, valleys filling in, and rough places made smooth.  In all this, the world will see God's glory.

St. John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy from Isaiah as a voice speaking in the wilderness.  

And his message, in light of how the world would alter its state to make ready for God's arrival, so he called the people gathered before him, and us today, to make ourselves ready for the Mighty One to come.

May we join in repentance, embracing the opportunity God gives us to set ourselves right, clearing ourselves of spot and blemish, made possible because of the Good News that Jesus Christ has come to save.  So we can now be made right before our God Who is faithful in fulfilling His promises, unfolding a plan to bring new heavens and a new earth.

Friday, December 8, 2023

December 8, 2023: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

When humans disobeyed God and turned from Him, God sought to restore us to a right relationship with Himself, and bestowed abundant graces on us.

When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would bear the Son of God, his greeting indicated that she was full of grace.

Like with her, as the first disciple, all of us disciples of Christ receive an abundant share of God's grace, because He chose us to be part of His plan of salvation, to work in us something marvelous.

And when we like Mary, say "Yes" to God's plan in our lives, we truly magnify Him.

This marvelous plan continues to unfold today as we take our part by faith.

The wonderful reality we celebrate today is so marvelously enshrined at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.  For the past 10 years, I have found it a meaningful place to enter into a spirit of prayer, especially through the various chapels of Mary.  It is a place to behold how God makes Himself present to us today, including through the intercession of the Patroness Saint of the United States, the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Immaculate Conception.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3, 2023: First Sunday of Advent

Happy New (Liturgical) New Year!

Coming off the end of the last liturgical year, we're called to be aware of Christ's coming to us.

He makes clear in the Gospel that we don't know when, so we must live in a constant state of readiness.

In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah is painfully aware that the people of Israel haven't been faithful, and have broken their relationship with God.  He pleads with God to restore the people so that can be right again with Him.

St. Paul offers a hopeful note in the 2nd reading, noting that "God is faithful", and will keep His people "firm to the end".

As we prepare ourselves to welcome Christ again at the End of Time, at the annual celebration of His Nativity, and into our hearts each day, let us behold God's faithfulness and lean on His grace to live out the call to holiness each day.