Sunday, October 20, 2024

October 20, 2024: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When Christ entered the world, He offered many countercultural ideas, including how to be great.

He came to offer Himself and experienced great suffering, which had great power because His sufferings justified us His people and brought us back to God.

We can truly count on Him for our salvation, because He joined us in our sufferings, made redeemed them so they would have a purpose.

The apostles didn't really latch on to this idea right away, given how Sts. James and John requested important positions of with Christ in His glory, and then the others feuded with them about who was the greatest.

Jesus offers us a model.  Contrary to the world's ideas about gaining power and lording it over others, Jesus says the measure of our greatness is how we serve others.

By serving, rather than being served, we make God's presence known in the world.

Thinking back to my Confirmation 19 years ago this past week, I set myself on a path to being great by being equipped to make Christ known in loving and serving others.  Surely that's why teaching Religious Education has been such an extraordinary experience, because I've discovered who God has made me to be by giving of myself.

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