Sunday, February 2, 2025

February 2, 2025: Candlemas/Feast of the Presentation of hte Lord

When Christ was born, a Great Light shone in the world, as we so richly celebrated on the Feast of the Lord's Nativity on Christmas Day.

Through the eyes of faith, Simeon and Anna recognized Christ for Who He is when Mary and Joseph brought Him to the Temple, as we celebrate on this glorious Feast Day that is 40 days after Christmas.

Simeon and Anna praised God for revealing His salvation.

It was the promise of God fulfilled for His people, and also a great blessing to all the world.  God would send His messenger to the Temple to purify His people of unrighteousness so we could be Holy before Him.

This messenger was our Savior Jesus Christ Who purified us of sin by becoming One with us, taking on Flesh.

We indeed rejoice that Christ shines as our Great Light in the darkness.  No longer do we fear the dark power of sin, because we have a Light with us that is far greater.

We join with Simeon in embracing Christ Who continues to abide with us, and we carry His Light that continues to shine so brightly.

This Feast speaks to me so profoundly because even though the glorious celebration of Christ's birth Christmas Day was 40 days ago, we can continue to celebrate the glorious power of the Mystery of the Incarnation.  Truly, the Light shines and will continue shining because it is the power of God ever constantly made present in our world.

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