Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22, 2013--4th Sunday of Advent

In an exchange with King Ahaz, Isaiah prophesied, in chapter 7 of his book, that the virgin would give birth to a child, who would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us".

This is a prophecy that resonates through the ages, to the birth of Christ, which fulfilled it, and beyond, to our day.  In a world full of sin and evil, it is such a comfort to know that God is with us.  He came to Earth to be born, to do His work of ministry, and then to die and rise again.

I couldn't help but notice how references to the Resurrection appeared throughout the liturgy this weekend.  Truly Christ's Birth points to His saving work, by which we now have life.  And in this life, we answer the call of the Gospel, which is of Jesus Christ, who was heralded by the prophets of long ago, that we may be holy in this world where He is now ever present, especially in the Holy Spirit within each person who has faith.  His presence helps us face anything.  And so we are no longer afraid, just like the words of the Angel in Joseph's dream in the Gospel reading in Matthew 1.

God is truly with us.

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