Monday, January 27, 2014

January 26, 2014: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

A light has shone upon a people in darkness, writes the prophet Isaiah, in the first reading.  In the context of the Gospel reading from Matthew, which quotes that passage from Isaiah, we know this light to be Jesus Christ, who came calling for repentance on account of the Kingdom at hand.

People in the darkness of sin now experience the light in Jesus Christ.  But it isn't just that they have light.  The light shines on them so that they now experience transformation.  Jesus calls them to open themselves up to a relationship with God whose reign is now being manifested on Earth, just as the disciples responded to Jesus's call further on in the Gospel reading.  And Jesus is the only One who can truly transform them.

This is open to all people.  It matters not what our background is, or how we come to know God, but that we have been brought to Him through one Savior, Jesus Christ, as St. Paul writes in the 2nd reading from 1 Corinthians.  How timely of a message as we come off the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, annually observed from January 18-25.

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