Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 20, 2014: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our God is an amazing God, and the eloquently-worded reading from the book of Wisdom explains why:  By being just and mighty in His very nature, God shows mercy and compassion to people.  He even makes possible for us to repent of our sins.

Perhaps this is why God does not rid the world of evil with one fell swoop.  He works instead to grow the goodness of His people as they build the Kingdom of God, which starts in small ways, and builds to something great and mighty, like the mustard seed and the large bush that it becomes.  For even in the midst of evil, God works mightily in us, as the Spirit intercedes for us, as St. Paul writes in the 2nd reading from Romans.  He is able to leaven the whole batch of dough with a little yeast.

That is why we hope, and strive by faith to build the Kingdom on Earth, until the day when we who have so worked shine so gloriously for our Father.

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