Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 3, 2014: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God always stands ready to provide for us.  In the Gospel reading, even in the midst of the heartbreak of the death of John the Baptist, Jesus is moved to care for the people who stream to Him, and goes so far as to feed them.

The disciples were concerned over how they could feed so many people, yet Jesus opened the way for the people to be fed.  The story shows how God truly provides--not just for our physical needs, but the needs of our whole being, body and soul.

That's what the reading from Isaiah alludes to, when God calls the people to come and eat, then adding He would renew the covenant with them, bringing them into a relationship with Him that would prosper them fully.

We have a God who cares for us, out of love so powerful and strong, which nothing--nothing--can overcome, as St. Paul writes in the 2nd reading, listing off various powers, even spiritual, and physical realities.

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