Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

So one of my dad's bosses had someone in his family who had planned a destination wedding at a fancy resort in the Bahamas.  But as the wedding neared, he got cold feet and decided not to get married.  In an effort to not let the accommodations go to waste, my parents accepted an offer to spend the few days there instead.

While not an exact resemblance, I think about this story in light of the Gospel reading for this weekend, where the king prepares a wedding feast for his son, but the invited guests refused to come when summoned.  Eventually, the king tells his servants to go out and bring anyone they find to the feast.  But they have to be sure to be properly dressed, just as my parents had to be sure to obtain passports.

God prepares for us a great feast, and earnestly sets out to invite us to partake.  It is a feast where we are not only filled and satisfied in a physical sense, but where God removes the ill effects of sin and makes us whole again, the greatest spiritual longing of our soul.

It is not only a feast we experience at the End of Time, but even now in our lives when we realize, in good times and bad, God always meets our needs in His abundance through Jesus Christ.

Such a powerful invitation invites us to give our hearts to Him as we embrace fully this invitation, even now by living in the abundance of His graces in His new and everlasting covenant.

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