Monday, April 27, 2015

April 26, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday

Jesus calls Himself the "Good Shepherd" in the Gospel reading from John, signified by His actions.  He deeply cares for the sheep of His flock, even to the point of laying down His life to defend them from harm, unlike the hired hands who flee when trouble arrives.  This represents the love God shows us, by which we are called His children, as John writes in the Epistle reading.

Jesus lays down His life on His own accord, and that action is why Peter declares that he and John healed the man in Acts 3 in the name of Jesus, the only name by which we find salvation.  The Good Shepherd shows Himself to be so, and so we are called to be Good Shepherds for others as we give of ourselves and our lives for others.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 19, 2015: Third Sunday of Easter

Jesus continues working on His disciples when He appears them again in the Gospel reading from Luke, hours after His Resurrection.  He wants to emphasize His very real presence alive among them, that all of this was in line with the Scriptures, and that they now, as witnesses, are to take this message forth.

That's what happens by the time we get to what occurs in the first reading from Acts.  They proclaim this message, declaring it is in line with what God foretold in the Scriptures.

We continue carrying this message, in obedience to Him who perfects His love in us who do His work.

Friday, April 17, 2015

April 12, 2015: 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday

Even after news of the Resurrection broke, the disciples were still plagued by fear.  So Jesus visited them, with His very living, real presence, to instill in them His peace.

This is the presence and the peace that draws us to God, and by which we go forth to bear witness, as living testimonies, to the way God has transformed our lives for Him.  Truly we are no longer afraid, but go forth boldly, proclaiming forth the news of Jesus Alive.

On that Sunday night after the Resurrection, God made Himself present to the Apostles in the Risen Jesus, because He had more to do to work on them.  And in that time of what Father Tom at St. Martin de Porres Parish referred to in his homily as a "power failure", huddled in fear, the Apostles banded together, for they were to be the Church that would be a as a living testimony of the Resurrection to all the world.

We today are encouraged to believe because of the power of their testimony that has been handed on to us, so that we even we don't see, we believe, and are blessed, as Jesus said.

(Sorry for the delay.  I was thinking over this, and then it got caught in draft limbo.)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 5, 2015: Easter Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection

We are given a new lease on life, because Christ is Risen from the dead.  Death no longer has power over those of us who give our lives to Him, as we bear witness to His Resurrection by living life anew.

In the Resurrection accounts in all four Gospels, the people who first encounter evidence of the Resurrection are filled with a variety of emotions, like trembling, fear, doubt, and uncertainty.  Yet the marvel of this event, unlike anything that had ever happened, is that it transforms those who encounter it, in whatever state they are in.  Indeed, we are so transformed that the change is evident in the new way we live our lives, as we make evident our encounter with the Resurrection.

April 4, 2015: Great Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

How wondrous is this night as we remember the story of how God saved His people, working great marvels, from creating the Earth to delivering the Hebrews from the Egyptian army.  Throughout history, people have looked unto God, and He has revealed Himself gloriously.  And so we acclaim Him as we welcome new people into His Church, and renew ourselves in Life in Him, the Life that comes from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015: Good Friday of the Cross

Christ shared in our sufferings, the very real sufferings we experience as humans.  It was God's plan that He suffer and die for our transgressions, and then be exalted.

So now, our sufferings have purpose, as we entrust ourselves, like Christ did, to our Father, who brings us to redemption, and through death to new Life.

April 2, 2015: Maundy Thursday

At the meal observed in the tradition of Passover, Jesus Christ instituted a new covenant, with the new command to love one another as He has loved us.  He shows us this love in the example of washing His disciples' feet, and in giving of His very body and blood.

Just as the Jews had kept the Passover to remember how God delivered them from slavery in Egypt, so we Christians keep this new Passover feast to remember what Christ has done for us in establishing a New Covenant, which frees us from sin, and gives us new life, all because of His love.