Monday, April 27, 2015

April 26, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday

Jesus calls Himself the "Good Shepherd" in the Gospel reading from John, signified by His actions.  He deeply cares for the sheep of His flock, even to the point of laying down His life to defend them from harm, unlike the hired hands who flee when trouble arrives.  This represents the love God shows us, by which we are called His children, as John writes in the Epistle reading.

Jesus lays down His life on His own accord, and that action is why Peter declares that he and John healed the man in Acts 3 in the name of Jesus, the only name by which we find salvation.  The Good Shepherd shows Himself to be so, and so we are called to be Good Shepherds for others as we give of ourselves and our lives for others.

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