Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 2, 2015: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Scripture readings speak of the Bread that God gives us from Heaven.  As miraculous as the manna was that God provided day by day for the Israelites during their desert journeying, it ultimately speaks to the great reality that God provides for us:  He created us in love, and continues to sustain us day in and day out.

While it might not seem impressive, as Father Hurlbert alluded to when he showed an unconsecrated host wafer in his homily, speaking of it as "bread", it is the sign that God satisfies us, both physically and spiritually.

And now this satisfaction is found in Jesus Christ, who feeds us with His very self, the Bread from Heaven giving Life to us.  It is Life that calls us to leave the old ways and embrace the new self we have in Christ, who gives of Himself so that we might have life.  (As an aside, I am reminded of the words a song at the Theology on Tap Finale Mass I attended three years ago, at which these same readings were proclaimed, a Mass celebrated by Cardinal George.)

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