Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18, 2015: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Unlike what the Apostles and many others thought, Jesus, the anointed Messiah, came not to reign as a mighty King, lording authority over others, but as a suffering servant.  He came as a human, to suffer and die, for our sake, that we would be forgiven of our sin.  That is how He achieves true greatness.  Now He intercedes for us gloriously, having once faced the same weaknesses we do, pleading for us before the Father, that we may be free from sin, and follow in His way, that we might find greatness in serving.

During my freshman year of college, I chose the passage that is this Sunday's Gospel reading as the narrative climax of the Mark Gospel in an essay I wrote, because serving, even through suffering, is the reason Jesus came, and is now exalted.

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