Monday, September 19, 2016

September 18, 2016: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our lives of faith are all about stewardship, kind of like the fourth thing of stewardship Father Hurlbert suggested in his State of the Parish homily this Sunday, beyond the usual time, talent, and treasure.  God has given us everything as a gift, especially the faith by which we have a relationship with Him.  By managing our resources well, we strive towards the Kingdom of God, even as we use worldly resources to accomplish Kingdom purposes.

While it's strange that Jesus would commend the dishonest steward, certainly the point is well taken that as disciples, we should be eager to strategize in advancing the Kingdom, especially as we use wealth to help those in need.  Stewardship of faith necessarily impels us to focus on relationships with others, caring for them and their needs, as we strive toward the Kingdom.

While attending St. Cornelius Parish's 90th Anniversary Mass on Sunday, Archbishop Cupich, the primary celebrant, insightfully shared in his homily how stewardship is about our coming together as a community to make an Eternal impact on one another, which influences how we build relationships now.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent remarks on a parable that is difficult on its face...
