Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20, 2016: 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time/Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Christ is the King!

As is our tradition upon the conclusion of the liturgical year, we acclaim Christ as our King, but for reasons very different than what is usually considered for acclaiming a king.

Jesus Christ is our King not because He wielded great power like earthly rulers, but because He willingly died for us sinners and rose again to new life so that we could be brought back into right relationship with God.  He showed great mercy to us when we were separated from Him by sin, as is demonstrated so strongly in the Gospel reading when people insulted and mistreated Him.  In the midst of such agony, He forgave a criminal who repents and pleads with Him.  What a great example of mercy we encounter at the end of this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Now, by right of His death and Resurrection, Jesus Christ is exalted and rules forever and ever, He Who first created everything, and continues to sustain it, expressed so well in the lyrical passage from Colossians.  In the spirit of David, on whose throne He sits, He shepherds us through all the uncertainties of this life by the power of the grace He gives us because of His Paschal Mystery.  He is a true leader Who continues to show His love for His people.  He spreads His reign far and wide, a Kingdom defined love, justice, and mercy, by which we receive forgiveness of sins, and then are called extend that mercy to others, advancing that Kingdom.

Christ truly is our King!  Let us rejoice!

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