Monday, February 27, 2017

February 26, 2017: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In a very short reading, God tenderly expresses His love for His people.  Even though it seems He has abandoned them, as the Israelites in exile felt, His love is so powerful, even more than the amazing love a mother has for her children.

That's why we can rest in God, entrusting ourselves to Him, as Jesus exhorted His followers to do.  God cares for the resplendent flowers of the field, and the magnificent birds of the air, and so will He care for us the people He created and loves.  He calls us to entrust ourselves to Him, seeking after His righteousness, stewarding well this great gift of faith, that we be found faithful at the final judgment, when God will reveal all in our hearts and our motives.

We entrust ourselves to God so that we may be trustworthy stewards of His gift of faith, and receive His praise for being steadfast and faithful.

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