Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017: Third Sunday of Lent

God alone satisfies us because of His vast Love for us:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us, that we could be restored to right relationship with God.  As St. Paul writes in Romans, God's love has been poured into our hearts.  It is like Living Water that is ever fresh and springing up within us.  It urges us on to seek Him by faith and leads us to Eternal Life, satisfying our thirst for fulfillment in life by bringing us into relationship with God.

Having such a great abundance in a never-ending supply of water, we can rest assured in what will truly satisfy us.  We no longer seek after earthly things that provide only fleeting satisfaction, and harden ourselves towards what God offers.  We entrust ourselves to God, worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth, transformed to be focused heavenward.  We partake of the food that Jesus speaks of, bringing new people into this way of life, just as a harvest of a soul occurred in the conversation between Jesus and the woman who came to well.  It is great news we have to share, that we find true satisfaction unto Eternity: the very Life-giving presence of Christ that ever flows in us and through us.

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