Monday, August 14, 2017

August 13, 2017: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Often God is made manifest in turbulent displays of nature, like Elijah witnesses in the 1st reading: violent wind, earthquake, and fire.  Yet Elijah ends up encountering God in a soft sound.

In the midst of sailing rough waters, the disciples encounter God in Jesus, Who comes to them walking on the water.  After thinking he is a ghost, and hearing Jesus assert Himself for Who He is, Peter asks Jesus to beckon him out into the water, and when Jesus does, Peter experienced the miracle of walking on water like Jesus.

There's a lot that rages around us in life, which calls upon us to place our trust in God--and trust was a major theme Father Hurlbert spoke of so well in his homily on his first weekend back from shoulder replacement surgery, which required his giving a lot of trust to others.  It can be hard to let go of control, but we can find great assurance trusting in God, which is how we build a real, vibrant relationship with Him.  We can count on God because He came to us in Jesus Christ, born of the people of Israel, so that He is the glory of the Hebrews as Paul writes.  We can rejoice that God is with us, even in simple, humble ways.  And as we trust in Him, we truly come alive, because even as we experienced heartaches at times, we also encounter great joy in knowing His love.

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