Sunday, December 17, 2017

December 17, 2017: Third Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

Let us rejoice!  We've made it halfway through Advent and the Nativity of the Lord is getting closer.

But our waiting is not passive, as our God calls us to actively wait in preparing for Him.  We are certain that He will come, and that reality fills us with great joy.  Indeed, because of John's baptisms and proclamation, people thought he might be the One, but he made clear that someone else was on the way, and he would be unworthy before Him.

The One Who comes is anointed by God to bring glad tidings by reversing the fortunes of those experienced misfortunes.  We truly rejoice that He reverses our unfavorable circumstances, joining with Mary's magnifying of the Lord, because God is faithful in accomplishing His work in us, and that's reason for us to ceaselessly express joy and gratitude.  Furthermore, we can be part of the reversal as we meet the needs of others and bring them glad tidings, for as disciples, we are called to that purpose, too.  As we are touched by the joy God brings us, we share that joy with others.

Today marks the birthday of Pope Francis, who turns 81.  We see in Him a great example of deep-seated joy that comes in proclaiming the Gospel, by which all the peoples see the favor of the Lord coming upon them.

I also rejoice in the composition of this post, for it was on the occasion of Gaudete Sunday four years ago that I started this blog of Scriptural reflections, and this post is #250 on the blog.  Thank you for reading the reflections I write on the readings at Mass.

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