Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25, 2018: Second Sunday of Lent

God shows the measure of His Love for us in giving of His Son, so that we might have Life in Him.

This giving of the Son is prefigured in the story of when God called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but then stopped him right as the knife was to go down, because He saw how devoted he was to God, to the point of not even withholding his son.  And so Abraham became the Father of the people of God.  All the nations of the Earth find blessing in Abraham's descendents, which included Jesus.

We have hope because this man Jesus was the Son of God.  We see in Him that God is truly for us, because He did not spare even His own Son.  God gave a glimpse of the glory of His Son in the Transfiguration, so we could see Jesus as God does, and acknowledge Him as the One.  As His people, we find our identity in Him, and see ourselves as God sees us.  We turn from our own ways, mired in sin, toward God, listening to Him as He directs our ways to Eternal Life in Him.

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