Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018: Fourth Sunday of Advent

As the celebration of the Lord's Nativity nears, we're reminded of the glorious purpose for His coming.

He came from a small town to serve a large role in God's plan of salvation, to shepherd His people toward God.  In the spirit of the reading from Hebrews, He offered His very self as a sacrifice to God to serve His purposes.

So we can count on Christ to lead us to salvation, rejoicing that He brings God into our midst, just as St. John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his mother Elizabeth at the sound of Mary's greeting.

Even as we await the joy of Nativity Day, we rejoice in recognizing how God is present, and how He draws us into His purposes, opening ourselves up to His purposes as Christ was devoted to the Father's purpose, and so was Mary in becoming the Mother of God.

Let us rejoice that God is at work so wondrously in our midst.

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