Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

We conclude the Christmas Season with a wonderful feast, held on Sunday for the first time in three years, as we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord.

Jesus chose to be baptized as part of identifying Himself with humanity, while remaining fully God.

In Jesus, we now are able to have a relationship with God, and all of God, His goodness and glory, comes to dwell in us.  We take great comfort that God has lavished His love on us, and made us holy and pure, as He created us to be, through the washing by water and renewal by the Spirit that returns us to our state of divine dignity.

God is now pleased to call us beloved daughters and sons, as He so named Jesus at His baptism.

And now, God is truly present in us as we make Him known by our living out our Christian dignity and faith.

As was proclaimed at the March for Life Chicago 2019, we are each created unique for a purpose, and on this Feast of the Lord's Baptism, we celebrate how God manifests Himself as we live out the purpose to which He has called us and for which He has chosen as His own.

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