Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 24, 2019: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has created us to reflect something of His character.  When sin diminished the luster of His character in us, He sent Christ to bring us back into relationship with Him.

Though we bear the image of Adam, the first man, in Christ, we bear the image of the Heavenly One.

And we are called to reflect His image by living His character.  We are called and challenged to not limit extending mercy just to those who are kind to us, but to extend mercy even to those who are unkind to us.  David radically demonstrated this when he refused to kill Saul, as noted in the first reading.  

When we show this kind of merciful love, even to those who seek ill will for us, we reflect our God Who shows kindness, mercy, and love to all.

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