Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019: Feast of the Annunciation

Like Pope Francis remarked during World Youth Day 2019 in Panama, Mary had an incredible influence on the world because she consented to the Word of God and let it be done in her.

She made way for the Son of God to enter our world and be our salvation.

Let us follow the example of Mary, the first disciple, and day by day offer up our "yes" to God so that His Word can be done in us, and His work can be done in our world through us.  Just like Pope Francis told the crowds at World Youth Day, like Mary, we can be an influence on our world.  And it starts with a "yes" to Him.

On a historical side note, how fitting that a colony with Mary's name on it was founded on this day in 1634, which would have an influence by planting the seeds for religious freedom and the thriving of Roman Catholics in what is now the USA.

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