Monday, July 22, 2019

July 21, 2019: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

When God enters our lives, it is an invitation to draw toward Him and embrace an opportunity to be in relationship with Him.

Having a relationship with God, and investing in it, helps keep us focused on what matters, which sustains us in the busyness of life.  Martha certainly was noble in her efforts to wait on Jesus, and when she got exasperated when Mary didn't help her, Jesus responded by inviting her to focus on "the better part" of many things.

When three visitors came to Abraham's lodgings, he recognized something glorious about them, and focused his efforts on welcoming them.  In such gathering, he encountered the blessed news that a child would soon be born to him and Sarah.

A relationship with God truly transforms us, as the living real presence of Christ dwelling in us draws us toward Eternal Life, which is our "hope for glory", as St. Paul writes.

So day by day, we live in hope, as we open ourselves to God's presence in us.

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