Sunday, November 17, 2019

November 17, 2019: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

When the End of Time comes, God will recreate the Heavens and the Earth by unleashing great fury and tumult, all in an effort to reestablish justice and righteousness.

Yet even leading up to that tumult, there will be great strife in the Earth, as has been confirmed throughout history and even in what's happening in our world today.

We as God's people aren't shielded, as people opposed to God oppose us who live by faith in Him, which can lead to strife for us.

But we can have assurance that in holding on to our faith, God will bring us through.  And when He unleashes great fury of judgment on the earth, we will be the beneficiaries of what the prophet Malachi says is the sun of righteousness that will bring healing to all our brokenness and restore us, and so our lives will be preserved.

So as St. Paul encouraged the Thessalonian community, let's remain diligent in doing the work God has called us to do, as we eagerly await the Day of the Lord.

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