Sunday, February 23, 2020

February 23, 2020: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God calls us to a high standard, to be holy as He is, as Leviticus states, and to be perfect as our Heavenly Father, as Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount.

It's clear that it's not enough as God's people to follow laws, commands, and rules.  He calls us to something more, to give of ourselves in showing love to others who don't show love and goodness, just as God showers goodness upon all people.  Responding to hate with love is what truly stands out and makes God's presence known, for He is truly kind and merciful.

Like St. Paul writes, we are God's Temple, because God's Spirit dwells in us.  It is a challenge for us to live up to, in maintaining holiness in our lives day by day.  But it is also an incredible blessing that God has made us holy for the purpose of making Him known, for we all truly belong to Him.  So let us live in the ways of His wisdom by showing His type of kindness to all.

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