Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020: Fifth Sunday of Lent

As we draw near to the great festival of the Resurrection, we go forth with the powerful assurance of God's promise of Resurrection.

While we await the Resurrection of the dead at the end of time, we experience Resurrection even now in Jesus. 

He came to our world as a human, and rather than shunning suffering and death, He faced them head on, and demonstrated His power over them, first with Lazarus, and later in His own Resurrection.

Jesus promises to work the same power in us, so even though we die physically, our death doesn't have the final word, because God will raise us by His power.  This promise gives us hope and purpose all through life.

And God brings us life now through His Spirit, freeing us from the sin that holds us in death's clutches, and draws us so closely into relationship with Him, so that, as baptized people, we may walk in newness of Life now unto Heaven.

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