Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020: Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Through all our journeys of the deserts in life, God is guiding us, just as He did for the Hebrews for 40 years in the desert.

Certainly, Roman Catholics throughout the world are starting to reach the end of a long journey without the Eucharist for many weeks in the midst of a pandemic.  The multiple times of applause at Mass when I was in attendance this morning at my home parish spoke volumes about our appreciation for being back.

Even beyond physical hunger, we long for something to satisfy us deep down inside.  And God provides food from Heaven itself to feed us.  Indeed, the manna He gave His people foreshadowed Jesus Christ, Who offered Himself as food for us, that we may truly live.  It's food unlike anything else, which is why it prompted harsh reactions from those who heard they were to eat of His flesh and drink His blood.

Only by partaking of Him do we truly have life, and we experience it by being brought together as One people in Him.  And when He is inside of us, we are called to go forth and live as the Body of Christ, to be His presence in our world.

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