Sunday, September 27, 2020

September 27, 2020: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Once again, God is turning the tables on our usual way of thinking:  People whose reputation has been soiled by sins are entering the Kingdom of God, receiving the gift God grants in salvation that brings Newness of Life.

No matter how far we have strayed, we all can be restored to right relationship with God, if we soften and humble our hearts and return to Him, embracing the way that pleases God.

And we join with all people of faith, seeking to build one another up in living in this Life. Each day we strive toward God, Who has made this gift of salvation possible through Christ, Who humbled HImself to die for us. He is now exalted, even in how He is the ultimate example for living God's way.

Monday, September 21, 2020

September 21, 2020: Feast of St. Matthew

The Gospel proclaims Jesus Christ, and it has the power to save us and transform our lives.

St. Matthew himself experienced this as he was doing his work.  Jesus called him, and St. Matthew followed.  Jesus put Himself in the presence of sinners so they could be transformed, because they are most in need of transformative grace.

And when changed, we are called to live our lives anew, fulfilling His purposes, so that all the world may come to know the message of the Gospel that saves.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

September 20, 2020: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The first reading really prepares us for the unusual nature of the Gospel passage when God, through Isaiah, proclaims that His ways are not our ways.

From our human, economic standpoint, paying the same wage to laborers regardless of how long they toiled is illogical.

And this aspect of the story invites us to move beyond our ways of thinking to acknowledge how God regards us.

Though He is just, He is also abundantly merciful, and generously grants us His mercy so that we can live a full life, in Him.

Rather than focusing on what's fair and unfair, let's seek after this God Who is so generous in forgiving.  For we are called to receive this gift from Him and share it with others, as we put our faith into action, living in a way worthy of the Gospel, as Christ, Who so mercifully saved us, is now directing the course of our lives.

Monday, September 14, 2020

September 14, 2020: Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

It's an incredible image to think that all the Hebrews had to do to be healed from the snake bites was to look at a bronze snake lifted up.

And it is a rather simple gesture for us to look up and gaze upon the Crucified Lord, the One Who, for the salvation of the world underwent a terrible death.  Yet He did not stay dead, for He Resurrected and lives forever and ever, reigning on high.  In Him, we have a share in abundant Life, as we join ourselves more closely in the Paschal Mystery, participating in dying and rising with Him.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 13, 2020: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By saving us, God has brought us out of sinful ways to a different way.  We no longer focus on resentment and vengeance because He has called us to forgiveness as a way of life.

When St. Peter asks about how many times he should forgive, Jesus moves him beyond thinking numerically to infinitely forgiving.

We remember how in great love God has forgiven us when we had no ability to make up for our sins.  Forgiveness is such a great gift, and compels us live in such a way constantly extending forgiveness.  No longer are we to be stuck in the mire of resentment that eats away at us, but experience the freedom of forgiveness, which God makes possible in our lives through His abundant kindness in the Paschal Mystery.  He is now Lord of all, and our living is now directed by Him, as we forgive from the heart.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

September 8, 2020: Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary sets a great example for us as the first disciple, one chosen by God in whom He worked marvelously, even through the power of the Holy Spirit.

He chose one lowly, and raised her up to a special place in His plan to bring salvation to all the world, by bearing the Savior into the world, born as a person.  She entered such a place because she heard the plan of God, and said "Yes".

We continue to honor Mary as one blessed and chosen, as we marvel at how God chooses us to play a significant part in His plan of salvation when we say "Yes" to His plan, as did Mary.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 6, 2020: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Now that God is present among us, we are called to live out our relationship with Him in the way we relate to others.

He has spoken to us the Truth, and our role is to make it known to others.  We use Truth for the good of others, taking care to show them God's love as we direct them away from wickedness toward the ways of righteousness.  Ezekiel is called as a prophet to help others turn from evil ways, and is responsible for doing his part to help steer them, not just speaking words.

Jesus teaches about conflict resolution, all with the aim of helping make manifest the reconciliation in our relationships that is a reality between Heaven and Earth made possible by His Paschal Mystery.

So now, we live love as the fulfillment of the law, as St. Paul writes, for all those commands are intended to help us love and respect our neighbors, thereby revealing God present among us so powerfully.