Sunday, September 6, 2020

September 6, 2020: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Now that God is present among us, we are called to live out our relationship with Him in the way we relate to others.

He has spoken to us the Truth, and our role is to make it known to others.  We use Truth for the good of others, taking care to show them God's love as we direct them away from wickedness toward the ways of righteousness.  Ezekiel is called as a prophet to help others turn from evil ways, and is responsible for doing his part to help steer them, not just speaking words.

Jesus teaches about conflict resolution, all with the aim of helping make manifest the reconciliation in our relationships that is a reality between Heaven and Earth made possible by His Paschal Mystery.

So now, we live love as the fulfillment of the law, as St. Paul writes, for all those commands are intended to help us love and respect our neighbors, thereby revealing God present among us so powerfully.

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