Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 25, 2020: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus teaches a great truth in today's Gospel reading when He states the two greatest of all the 600-something commandments in Jewish Law are to love God and love our neighbors.  He furthermore adds that everything depends on these two commandments because love is the motivation behind our call to uphold them.

God has shown us love in establishing a relationship with us.  And while He is unseen, He makes Himself known through pouring out sacrificial love for us, and we reveal Him by pouring out love for others.  As the commands in the first reading declare, we are to care for the needs of those who are in a lowly state.  Like the Israelites when they were enslaved in Egypt, so we all have had a time in our lives when we were in need.

In the New Covenant in Christ, this love is the basis for our faith, as we imitate Christ-like behavior, showing the love he has first shown us through dying and rising, so that the living God is truly present among us, as the Holy Spirit equips us to live this love.

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