Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion

In the Gospel readings at Mass for Palm Sunday, we recount the epic week for Christ in Jerusalem.

And we recognize that in these events, Christ became exalted as the source of our salvation.  He faced the worst of humanity, in obedience to the Father's will, so that we could be saved and transformed more closely to the image of God in whom we are created.

In the Passion of Jesus, we find an example for how to live with purpose in the face of sufferings, for it is because of the Paschal Mystery that our suffering now have been redeemed for a purpose to make God more fully known in the world.

And we furthermore see the way we are called to live, giving of ourselves for others.

I recall that my cousin and his wife chose the hymn-like passage from Philippians 2 to be proclaimed at their wedding liturgy.  It is indeed a great image of self-emptying love for all of us, knowing that it was through such emptying that Christ saved us, and in such self-giving that we discover who we are meant to be as people following the way of our Savior.

We know that death is not the end for us who profess faith in Christ, for we hope for new life.

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