Sunday, April 18, 2021

April 18, 2021: Third Sunday of Easter

As foretold by the Scriptures in ages prior, Christ would suffer, and rise from the dead so that there would be forgiveness and repentance of sins.

Christ truly established a new order of the ages when He rose from the dead.  The first sign of this new order was the Empty Tomb, but the disciples would need more to build on that discovery.  

In fact, when the Risen Christ appeared to them, they were startled at first, not recognizing Him for Who He was.  Christ then showed His wounds, and then He interpreted the Scriptures to them so that the words spoken about Him would come alive in them.

Indeed, St. Peter would speak boldly of those words throughout the book of Acts, like in the first reading.

The Risen Christ continues to be present with His people in a powerful way, closer than ever before.  He dwells within us, transforming us so that His Word becomes alive in us and brings life to the world.  He cleanses us of sin and its effects so we conform ourselves more closely to Him.

And He continues to be present with us in the Eucharist, that we may enter more deeply into His Paschal Mystery and live with His life in us.

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