Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 23, 2021: Pentecost Sunday

The God Who became present to the world in the Incarnation became alive and present in a whole new way when the Jewish people gathered in Jerusalem for the start of the Feast of Weeks at the celebration of Firstfruits at Shavuot/Pentecost.

The Church came alive as God breathed new life into His people with a powerful wind and sealed them with flames, the signs of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit equipped the apostles for the specific purpose of proclaiming the Good News to the multiplicity of people gathered in Jerusalem.

We, too, are empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit with gifts that point to the One God.  Each of us receives specific gifts and when we join together in using those gifts, we truly edify the Church, the Body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit comes to us individually and collectively to bind us more closely as the Body of Christ, so we are reconciled and more closely united to Him and with one another, as diverse people throughout the world sharing one faith that comes from the Savior, Christ, Who pours forth the Spirit from the Father.

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