Sunday, November 14, 2021

November 14, 2021: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus Christ has come and offered the one perfect sacrifice of Himself to redeem us from sin and restore us to right relationship with God.

Now, as the Epistle to the Hebrews states, He is awaiting the end of Time and the vanquishing of His enemies, as His "footstool".

Right before His death in crucifixion, Jesus discusses the End of Time.  He exhorts HIs disciples to notice the signs pointing to the End of Time, so that they can be ready.

His Words are firm, and will come to pass, even as Heaven and Earth pass away.

At the end of Time, there will be punishment for evil-doing, but also rewards for living in the righteous that God grants us through Christ.

Christ has set us apart by consecrating us so that we can live this righteousness.

Indeed, as people of faith, following His way, we are called to live in the righteousness God imparts to us, as an inheritance, through the Paschal Mystery, so that we are living to be ready for the End, and with purpose now.

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