Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021: Feast of the Most Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

On Christmas Day, we celebrate the great reality that God has come to us in the Flesh, because He loved us so much.

For today's feast, we ponder the Mystery of the Incarnation more, marveling that in becoming human, He also entered into a family.

One of my favorite movies came out 15 years ago, The Nativity Story.  It does a great job of filling in the gaps of what's not in the Scriptures about Christ's Birth and gives us a real sense of the day-by-day context of what led to His birth.

In fact, this year of 2021 is special because it marks 100 years since October 26, 1921, when Pope Benedict XV established this feast.

The unseen God manifested Himself in Christ, born as a baby to Mary, Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph.  And we continue to see God manifested in the love we share in our families.

In the Holy Family, we have an example of how to live out faith and grow in love and virtues in the context of human relationships, especially with those closest to us, in our families, where we first experience love.

This past year has given us opportunities to ponder the example of St. Joseph and how he gave of himself in love when called upon God to enter into family life, caring for Mary and Jesus, meeting the needs of his family, especially when they were in danger.

We see that family relationships, especially children, are a gift from God, and we are called to offer up those relationships as a gift dedicated to Him, just as Hannah, who longed greatly for her son Samuel, dedicated him to the Lord.  And it's that same spirit that Jesus remains at the Temple for three days, demonstrating what it means to be in a relationship with God, just as we live out that relationship in how we love our families.

As we abide in this love, we become more like God, and so His presence continues to be known in this world.  Indeed, we marvel at how God works through us to continue pouring out His love through us anew day by day, building on the foundation first laid in our families.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 25, 2021: Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ

The mystery of God became visible to us when Christ was born of Mary in Bethlehem.

God, who spoke in many ways through the prophets, now has revealed His fullness in Christ.

We indeed rejoice in the birth of Christ because God has come so close to us.

It is such great news that is meant to impact the whole world.  The angels proclaimed this Good News to the shepherds.  Upon hearing this announcement, they went to see the baby Jesus, and then they proclaimed the Good News.

We, too, as people of faith are called to proclaim this Good News to a weary world so in need of it.

Indeed, we realize that God has come so close to us on Earth that He may restore us to a right relationship with Himself, and bring new Life and Great Light into the world, and we can bring that reality joyfully into the world.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021: Fourth Sunday of Advent

Throughout this Advent Season, we have sought to become more aware of God's presence around us to prepare for the wondrous celebration of the great mystery of the Incarnation, and how God works through common people to manifest it.

The writings of the prophet Micah state clearly that Bethlehem, a humble town, would play a significant role in God's plan of salvation.

God chose the humble Virgin Mary to be the means by which the Son would enter the world.  He was the One Who offered Himself for the fulfillment of the will of God.  Mary did so, too, and St. Elizabeth acclaimed her for such a great act of faith.  Even in the midst of the challenges they faced, the Virgin Mary and St. Elizabeth rejoiced that God was at work, choosing humble people like them.  They stepped out in faith because it was enough to acknowledge that God had made a promise, and they knew He is faithful in fulfilling them.

We, too, even as humble people, can play a great role in His plan when we offer ourselves in an act of faith. Truly then, the great mystery of God becomes real to us, and we make it known in the world.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

December 12, 2021: Feast of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

While this feast was superseded by the Third Sunday of Advent, I offer a few thoughts because of how it stirs me.

The story of La Virgen's appearance to San Juan Diego is marvelous.  Just as God reached out to humanity by being born of Mary, so He has continued to reach out to the world, through Mary, to bring people to a relationship with Him.

So we rejoice that Mary was chosen in a special way, just as we're all chosen and called to be part of His people, and part of His great plan of salvation.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021: 3rd Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

The season of Advent points us toward the reality of God's presence with us, and that is truly reason for great rejoicing.

We highlight that sense of joy with the rose candle since we've now surpassed the midpoint of Advent, as of yesterday.

God rejoices over us, like the prophet Zephaniah declares, and by bringing us into relationship with Himself, He renews us.

Joyfully aware of our God's presence, we draw near and call upon Him, bringing Him our petitions and receiving His peace as we abound in thanksgiving that we can turn to such a God.  We also respond to His gifts by repenting and transforming our lives to live less focused on ourselves and more on Him and others around us.  St. John the Baptist was one who called people to change their lives so they could be satisfied with what they have and so be more aware of God's presence among them.

As we make ourselves more aware of His presence, we encounter truly deep and lasting joy that only He can give because He gives us the gift of His presence.

One of my favorite Gaudete Sunday memories is the special Advent Mass and Dinner at St. Teresa's, which was right before our semester test week.  Not only did we have a great meal, we got a wonderful reminder of the community that cared so much about us students and was focused on living their faith by supporting us.  To this day, it brings me joy to think of such loving care from the St. Teresa's community.

Furthermore, I rejoice in another year of this blog, reflecting on the words of Scripture so as to become more aware of the God Who makes Himself known in them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

December 8, 2021: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

Mary was full of grace from the moment of her conception.

God chose her to have a special part in His plan of salvation for the world.

By listening to the Word of God from the angel Gabriel and consenting, she helped turn the tide against the curse of sin.

God has chosen each of us, too, and has filled us with His grace so we can turn from sin and live out the call to holiness, bearing Him in the world.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

December 5, 2021: Second Sunday of Advent

To a weary people in the midst of exile, the prophet Baruch proclaims restoration to the homeland of Israel.  Even the Psalmist rejoices in that day when the people are restored, and all the world sees the great works God does, like when the dry streambeds fill with water and the sowing in tears is followed by joyful and abundant harvests.

To a weary people under the control of the ancient Roman Empire, John the Baptist proclaimed a message of repentance, so that the people of Israel would be transformed in their hearts, and ready to welcome their Savior, Who would heal them on the inside from the malady of sin, restoring them to right relationship with God.

In this day with all its difficulties, God continues to redeem and transform us, so that we live pleasing to Him, producing the fruit of righteousness.  Indeed, we rejoice that God restores the world, and does it through us, as we go forth, transformed, to proclaim Good News to a world greatly in need of it.

Let us rejoice that God has started something wondrous in us, and is working to complete it, as He works in us so that we discern what is truly of value.  And we are filled with great peace because we have assurance in Him Who makes these promises.

Even though many in this world seemingly hold great power, the greatest power of all is what God works in us, as we open our hearts to welcome Him.  That is a message of power that truly lasts.