Sunday, December 12, 2021

December 12, 2021: 3rd Sunday of Advent/Gaudete Sunday

The season of Advent points us toward the reality of God's presence with us, and that is truly reason for great rejoicing.

We highlight that sense of joy with the rose candle since we've now surpassed the midpoint of Advent, as of yesterday.

God rejoices over us, like the prophet Zephaniah declares, and by bringing us into relationship with Himself, He renews us.

Joyfully aware of our God's presence, we draw near and call upon Him, bringing Him our petitions and receiving His peace as we abound in thanksgiving that we can turn to such a God.  We also respond to His gifts by repenting and transforming our lives to live less focused on ourselves and more on Him and others around us.  St. John the Baptist was one who called people to change their lives so they could be satisfied with what they have and so be more aware of God's presence among them.

As we make ourselves more aware of His presence, we encounter truly deep and lasting joy that only He can give because He gives us the gift of His presence.

One of my favorite Gaudete Sunday memories is the special Advent Mass and Dinner at St. Teresa's, which was right before our semester test week.  Not only did we have a great meal, we got a wonderful reminder of the community that cared so much about us students and was focused on living their faith by supporting us.  To this day, it brings me joy to think of such loving care from the St. Teresa's community.

Furthermore, I rejoice in another year of this blog, reflecting on the words of Scripture so as to become more aware of the God Who makes Himself known in them.

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