Sunday, January 9, 2022

January 9, 2022: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Throughout the Christmas Season, we have celebrated how God manifested Himself among us in Christ.

For this Sunday's Feast, we move beyond the narrative of Christ as a child to His adulthood.  God manifested Himself powerfully at His baptism, in the fullness of the Trinity:  He sent down the Spirit to anoint Him.  God spoke and acclaimed Him as His Son, with whom He was "well-pleased", affirming what Christ did by His baptism.

As people of faith, we join with Christ in baptism so that we, too, can become God's children, and share in Christ's mission to make God known in the world.  By His mercy, He has brought us through the waters of rebirth into new life so that we are equipped to live our faith by doing good works.

It is wonderful we have this Feast to conclude the Christmas Season because it demonstrates how we can embody the Christmas message:  By faith, we see God manifest in the world through Christ, and through these encounters, we are transformed to be like Him, through baptism, and through our living, make Him known in the world.

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