Sunday, November 20, 2022

November 20, 2022: Solemnity of the Sunday of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Earlier this month in the United States of America was Election Day, when we made decisions about who would get authority to govern.

On this great and Solemn Feast Sunday, we recall that Jesus Christ is the Great King, not just because of what He has, but even more so, because of what He gives.
He created all in the Heavens and the Earth, sustaining everything.

When Creation was broken by the disobedience of humans, God showed us the full extent of His Love by sending His Son, Christ, Who emptied Himself so that He could reconcile us back to God.

It is in the same spirit of David, who united the tribes of Israel and was anointed King to lead the people to God.

Christ, indeed, is our great Shepherd, Who lay down His life for us on the Cross.

When people around the Cross mocked Him, saying He should demonstrate that He's a King by saving Himself, He instead demonstrated the power of His Kingship by laying down His life.

A thief beside Him acknowledged His innocence, and His power restore Him and bring him into the Kingdom, so that he prayed, "Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom".  Jesus immediately answered the prayer, guaranteeing that he would enter Paradise.

We share in that Kingdom, because, as St. Paul writes, the One Who created and sustains all things, especially through reconciliation, brought us from darkness into the Kingdom to live in the light with all the saints.  

As we end one liturgical year and enter a new year, we follow our great King and advance His Kingdom as we give of ourselves to edify others, with gifts of peace, light, and love that Christ gave us.  Indeed, He has demonstrated that He is a Mighty King because of what He has given to bring life to all the world.

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