Sunday, July 9, 2023

July 9, 2023: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The prophet Zechariah speaks of the coming of the King with great joy.  This King comes to us humbly, on a donkey.  And He brings lasting peace to all the earth.

We see this prophecy in the coming of Jesus, especially in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  He brings peace because of His close relationship with the Father, which He reveals to us.  When we humble entrust ourselves to the God Who gave Himself for us in Jesus Christ, we know His peace, because we rest in Him.  And we share in the Divine Life of the Trinity:  The Father and the Son love each other, and the Holy Spirit proceeds forth from that love.

And the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us so that our lives are transformed as we repent from ways of death and enter into the fullness of Life God grants us.  We celebrated this great reality three months ago on Easter Sunday, April 9.  And we continue to rejoice in it today, Sunday, July 9, because God has revealed to us great mysteries, showing that He alone brings purpose and joy to life.  When we turn from thinking that worldly things can satisfy us, we will truly rest and share in that joy.

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