He was born in time and space.
And in time and space, He offered Himself for our salvation. He went beyond offering sacrifices prescribed by the Law and offered Himself in accordance with God's will.
Truly, that must be the reason that St. John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his mother, St. Elizabeth, acknowledging the presence of the God Who saves in Mary, the first Tabernacle. Even St. Elizabeth declares Him to be Lord when she says Mary is the "mother of my Lord".
As we make way for God to enter our lives, let us be stirred and rejoice that He has come to save us by becoming one of us as fully God and fully man. Let us acknowledge Him as our Savior and Lord, devoting ourselves to Him by how we live.
Let us go in haste, like Mary, which I have in mind as I have gone in haste and eagerness to spend time with family in the Washington, DC, Metro Area this weekend, and open myself to God's presence as I depart from routine and go through life these days at a different pace. We go in haste because we have a mission to fulfill, and so our life has purpose because God has promised to be with us.
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